17/Mar/2021 11:30 - 12:30

language of event coccinella italiano


by prof. Alberto Montresor and prof. Roberto Passerone

During the event, we will introduce the philosophy of FabLab and we will play with our digital fabrication tools, like the laser cutter, the 3D printers, the CNC machines and so on. We will also be available to answer your curiosities!

Laboratories description


The term FabLab stands for FABrication LABoratory, a small workshop offering digital fabrication tools like 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC machines, microcontrollers and so on.
Being placed inside a University, the main goal of our FabLab is educational: it will be a place devoted to open, free experimentation, where students can develop their own ideas, follow their passions, and learn in a creative way – without worrying about credits and grades. For this reason, the FabLab will not be associated to any specific course, trying to foster creativity and innovation in our students.
Beyond offering fabrication tools, the FabLab will also be a hackerspace and a sort of social club – students will be free to spend their time here, collaborating on their projects but also learning and exchanging their knowledge in a cooperative way.


The Electronics educational Laboratory consists of 8 workstations for 3/4 people equipped with an oscilloscope, multimeter, function generator, power supply and welding station. The laboratory is used both for exercises in study courses and for research activities in the creation and characterization of circuits and electronic boards.