16/Mar/2021 16:15 - 17:00

language of event coccinella italiano

AI OpenLabs

by prof. Luigi Palopoli

During the Open Lab time prof. Palopoli will physically be in the IOT & Robotics laboratory, and he will use the available multimedia material in order to describe both labs and to give a feeling of the type of activities that can be performed. After this brief presentation, he will be available for a Q&A session”

Laboratories description

IOT and Robotics

The laboratory of IOT and Robotics is an educational and research facility aiming to establish direct contact between students and researchers on one side, and the most up-to-date technologies in robotics and industrial IOT on the other.
The facility contains equipment for collaborative robotics, for high precision localisation of people, robots and goods. The presence of small and manageable mobile robots allows us to simulate both a production environment and a logistic area.
All equipment and the robots are accessible through open APIs, which allows us to develop and test policies for high-level control, motion planning and for human-robot interaction.

Autonomous Driving

The Autonomous Driving laboratory is the obvious complement of the IOT and Robotics lab. It is located in an industrial area easy to reach from the department.
The availability of large spaces enables experimentation activities with large robots, drones and high-speed car models. The students are able to use a development environment very similar to the one present in the IOT and Robotics laboratory and scale up the complexity and the realism of their tests.