16/Mar/2021 18:30 - 20:00

language of event coccinella italiano


with Alberto Montresor, Emanuele Civini, Luigi Di Benedetto and Aldo Carrolo

While Bitcoin is over $ 50,000, many are wondering how the technology that makes it possible works. Beyond speculation and cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology promises to revolutionize economic and social systems.
In this hands-on workshop, after a brief general introduction to blockchain and to Ethereum in particular, participants will be able to create a smart contract, insert it into a test network, interact through the Metamask extension. We will conclude with a presentation of the Stehle notarization platform and its use cases.

The maximum number of participants in this workshop is 50. The registration form (in Italian only) is available at this link: http://bit.ly/3blockchain

NOTICE: there are no more places available. Register for the waiting room.


Alberto Montresor, full professor at the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento

Emanuele Civini, Blockchain developer.
Computer science student at the University of Trento. In addition to his studies, he is interested in the blockchain sector and cryptography. He deals in particular with the interaction with different blockchains and the development of the backend of the Sthele notarization platform.

Luigi Di Benedetto, CEO of Cryptodiamond.
Founder of the Italian observatory on DLT / Blockchain technologies IBNO, member of the national and regional council (Lombardy) of the Italia4Blockchain trade association and administrator of Cryptodiamond S.R.L.

Aldo Carrolo, Blockchain developer.
Student at the University of Milan, specializing in IT. In parallel, in addition to his life as a student, he tries to undertake a path as an entrepreneur, ranging from fields such as blockchain to dealing with telemedicine. In the Sthele team he takes care of the implementation of the frontend of the platform.